Dr Marisa Santos

Dr. Santos graduated in 1989 as a General Dentist and in 1997 as an Orthodontist.  She has been teaching at University, in Orthodontist specialization Carrier for the last 10 years, treating children till 9 years old, working at UAI University, Buenos Aires.

She has been working with children for more than 20 years, always taking care of the airway. In 2013 she decided to go to London to get the Diploma in LSFO with Professor John Mew. The cause and cure of Malocclusion written by Dr. Mew changed her professional life forever. She is actually training students not only from Argentina, but from many other countries of Latin America.

She works in her private practice and at local University, talks about facial growth in children and has been working for the last ten years successfully with early and interdisciplinary teams.



Contact details:

Phone: 5491157156515

Fax: 541142812100

Email: infodramarisasantos@gmail.com

Website: www.dramarisasantos.com.ar

Adress: Rivadavia 148

Monte Grande (1842)- Buenos Aires- Argentina