Dr Marie Deshayes

Specialized in Craniofacial Orthopedics before the age of 6

  • Member of the French Society of Orthodontics
  • Member of the French Society of Anthropology
  • Consultant TéléCrâne Innovation

Best Multimedia and Audiovisual Presentation Award at the XV SIDO Congress, Rome 1999, for a CD-ROM on Craniofacial Morphogenesis.


Authors of books:

  • L’Art de Traiter avant 6 ans (Ed Cranexplo 2006).
  • Repérages crâniens / Punti Di Riferimento Cranici (Ed Cranexplo 2003) / Cranial landmarks (2005)
  • Ortopedia Cranio Facciale – Trattamenti dell’occlusione Dentaria prima dei 6 anni (Ed Cranexplo 2016).
  • El Arte de Tratar antes de los 6 anos – Primeros pasos hacia la ortopedia craneofacial (Ed Cranexplo 2015)

Partner of the SKULLSPEECH project for the Human Cervico Craniofacial Development 2008-2012.

Deshayes M-J, Palladino G: Contributing factors of cranio-facial asymmetries (in Press)



Contact details:

20 Place Saint Sauveur, 14000 CAEN, FRANCE.

