Monday 10th September 2018 – One Day Neckgear Course – limited numbers
The course will be held at the London School of Facial Orthotropics in Purley from 9am to 5pm.
The morning will consist of a presentation behind the principles of the neckgear, followed by a practical demonstration and workshop on how to fit and adjust the neckgear. Students will carry out fitting the neckgear on themselves and each other. To facilitate this, we will need each participant to provide the clinic with an upper impression of themselves by no later than 15th July 2018 in order for our lab to construct a Preparatory appliance for use in the demo.
The afternoon will consist of a clinical session observing patients who are currently wearing the headgear, in various stages in treatment.
All materials will be provided in the cost of the day ie.
Preparation Appliance, Neckgear with Faceframe, Facebow, Cap, Elastics, Orthotropics Bag
7 hours CPD – Course Fee – £975
Clinical observation Days – Tuesday 11th and 12th September 2018
You can extend your stay by attending either or both of the above dates for clinical observation at our clinic from 9am to 5pm.
CPD hours – 7 per day – Course fee per day is £550
Please contact Sue Lloyd at if you would like to secure a place on any or all of the above dates, numbers will be limited so book early to avoid disappointment. Payment will be required to secure your place.